Mommy is MIA

Heyy yall!! Ok, so I have not quit doing my blogging, I have just been super crazy with both kids. Sydney had her birthday in August and Tanner had his last week and the party was this weekend. On top of planning all that, Sydney has a certain color she has to wear to color each day last week and this week because they are learning colors, and last week was her week to take snacks so I had to plan all that out. 

BUTTT, All that except the color wearing is over now, so I can focus on family time now, and staying loyal to you guys. So now to do a little catching up for you guys. 

I think the last time I posted was last Wednesday (WOW!!!, SORRY YALL!!!). So I will start on last Wednesday and catch yall up from there. 

So last Wednesday, 9/17/14, was Tanner’s 2nd birthday! I can’t believe that our baby boy is growing up so fast. I know it sounds super selfish, but I wish I could pause time with him since he is my “last” little one for right now. His daddy was off work for his birthday, which was a really good thing that we all needed.

That morning, after we dropped Sydney off at school, me and Bj and Tanner went to Hardee’s for a birthday breakfast. 


**I think it is safe to say he didn’t want his picture taken haha**

He cooked his famous lemon pepper chicken chunks for supper, and we had Tanner’s Manny & PaPa over for his birthday dinner, with cupcakes for dessert. Me and Bj saved our presents for the party, but he did get to open a big present actually on his birthday

9-17-14blowing out candle9-17-14

So next is Thursday, 9/18/14. That was brown day at school for Sydney. She didn’t own anything brown so we had to go last minute and buy a brown shirt but the one I found at Wal-Mart was super cute and it was on the clearance rack, how can you beat that deal ?! 

brown day1brown day

** Yes she has on a white pair of shorts on under the shirt **

 Friday was Bj’s last day at his job in West Columbia,SC. He gave his two weeks notice of course two weeks ago haha, but it was a bittersweet day Friday not because of the actual job, but because of how hard he worked there, and how much effort and time was spent there and all the friends he had to leave behind. 

Friday was yellow day for Sydney at school, but I didn’t get a picture of her outfit. She wore a yellow and grey stripped tank top, and a pair of jean shorts. They painted little yellow chicks for yellow day. 


Saturday was the BIG DAY!!!! Tanner’s birthday party was finally here!!! 

Group Picture

 Everyone had a great time, we had it all decorated in hunting camo, and deer heads and antlers. We cooked hot dogs at the park so they were good and hot, fresh off the grill. Me and Sydney made cupcakes the night before and had those instead of cake, along with icecream. He got tons of trucks and toys and clothes and just more stuff than we can find room for it !

After the party some of us went and ate BBQ at a local place in North, SC 

 Sunday was another great day! The kiddos went to Manny & PaPa’s house, and they took them to the park to play and enjoy a picnic for lunch, while Mommy & Daddy had a stress free day together (whatever that is lol). Me and Bj went and enjoyed a nice lunch at Ryan’s and went and saw the movie ” If I Stay”, which I have to say was quite a tear jerker. But overall it turned out to be a nice day just to be alone with my husband. 

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 Yesterday was Bj’s first day at his new job and I think he is really excited/nervous all at the same time to be starting somewhere new. Where he is now though is somewhere where he will be doing something he loves to do. Working on cars won’t just be a hobby for him that he might get time to do somewhere in his “freetime” now it is his career. He is super excited to become a certified mechanic and to be able to see where that can take him in our lives. His ultimate goal is to have his own shop one day and I will stand by him and support him 1,000% in whatever he wants to do. He has taught me everything I know about cars and thats a lot now, so I have all the faith in the world in him.


Yesterday was pink day for Sydney at school, again, I didn’t get a picture of her outfit, but it was a pink shirt with navy anchors on it with little seersucker shorts. 

This is her artwork from yesterday: 

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And finally we are caught up to today. One of my favorite days of the week because if you know me personally, you will know that tonight is when me and my husbands favorite show comes on, and my friends I am talking about Sons of Anarchy! It’s Teller Tuesday Yall!!!!!

Ok, So I won’t get into that haha because I could do a whole blog on just Jax Teller. Anyway… Today was purple day today for Sydney at school. Once again, shame on me… no picture. I will do better tomorrow I promise. Since Bj started his new job yesterday it is all on me to get both kids up and ready in the morning on time to take Sydney to school. When Bj was here in the morning, he was so wonderful and took on the role for that and I am seriously missing it LOL!! 

This is her picture from today:


** It is a purple flower FYI, just incase your eyes didn’t adjust the first time, mine didn’t lol **

So today hasn’t really consisted of much, and won’t consist of much. Me and Tanner took Sydney to school this morning then came back home and ate some breakfast. Then we did our normal every morning recliner snuggle watch tv time until time to go get sissy, except Mimi picked Sydney up from school today which was a treat for Sydney I am sure. Then when Sydney got home, we ate some lunch and I put them both down for naps. Then I laid there decided whether I wanted to take a nap or come catch yall up on what has been going on in our lives, so I thought before I get anymore behind I better come do this. Soooo.. there ya go. When Bj gets home from work, we are going to do Tacos for supper and just kinda lounge around the rest of the night because its a droopy day outside and nasty and rainy. 

I might do another blog tonight on a few random things I have been wanting to do a blog on, but I’m not sure if it will be tonight or tomorrow… so please stay tuned! 


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